Who have completed Optima 101 training This guide is designed as a "quick reference guide" to assist you while performing your daily tasks in Optima's Care Operations Management The Participant Guide provides simple, stepbystep instructions for completing tasks We recommend that you use this guide in conjunction with the short microOptima01_002b_enfm 7 Presentation 1 Presentation 11 General presentation The Optima pump is a new pump based on the same pumping mechanism as the MVP pump It is used for infusion of intravenous agents There are three types of the Optima pump PT for standard PVC tubes with a drop detector VS for standard PVC tubesThe drop detector is optionalSCOPE OF MANUAL This manual is designed to familiarize you with the Optima™ MAX or MAXE ultracentrifuge, its functions, specifications, operation, and routine operator care and maintenance We recommend that you read this entire manual, especially the SAFETY NOTICE and all safetyrelated information, before operating the ultracentrifuge or
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